
Casteldimezzo, once called Gaiola, Galliola and Gazoleto, since the 14th century has taken the current name, suggesting the location in-between Gabicce and Fiorenzuola. Thanks to its easily defensible position and to the presence of the nearby Port of Vallugola, the castle was used as residence for “rusticale dimora” (rural relief), by the Archbishops of Ravenna and as established see of the Viscount, their representative.
In 1356, it went to the Malatesta family and then became property of the Sforza and Della Rovere families. Today, just few traces are left of the  ancient mediaeval walls. Inside the Church dedicated to the Saints Apollinare and Cristoforo, dated back to the year One Thousand, but later rebuilt (the dedication recalls those awayback origins from Ravenna) stands a Crucifix dated 15th entury, attributed to the Venetian Antonio Bonvesin and Jacobello del Fiore, discovered on the seashore, inside a large wooden case. The tradition wants it to be the core of a mysterious event: it was the year 1517 and as many as 7,000 “transmontane” enemies, in the pay of Lorenzo di Piero de Medici, beaten by Francesco Maria I Della Rovere, threateningly closed on Castrum Medi walls; but the frightening and expected looting of the city was escaped, thanks to the mercy granted to the terrified dwellers by the Crucifix “from the sea”. Curious is also the story about the finding of the precious artefact: Casteldimezzo dwellers and those of the nearby Fiorenzuola, sighted a case lying on the shore at the foot of the cape and ended up scuffling and getting a beating to get hold of it. In the meanwhile the oxen carrying the load, tired of the long fight, decided to make for the way to Casteldimezzo, leaving them all dumbfounded.


The Attractions of Pesaro

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Pesaro

Discover the itinerary Sandy Beaches

Sandy Beaches

Cozy or wild beaches, the sea for all tastes

The Marche Region in Blue   6 days

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Museum Churches in Pesaro and Urbino Province

The Museum Church itinerary in Pesaro and Urbino Province

Art and Culture   Spirituality and Meditation   2 days

Discover the itinerary Regional and National Parks

Regional and National Parks

Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!

Parks and Active Nature   7 days