Monte San Giusto

Via Nicolò Bonafede, 28 - Monte San Giusto (MC)
0733 839006 - 07 0733.837324
Monte San Giusto is a delightful little town, near Macerata; it is situated at 236 m above sea level and is about 10 km far from the sea. The hamlet of Villa San Filippo is located along the valley, near the course of the Chienti river. The earliest settlements in Monte San Giusto's area date back to Roman times (age of Nerva 96-98 AD): the town was originally named Mons Iustitiæ (another possible ancient name is Telusiano),  later destroyed by the barbarians  in the third century. The town saw its period of greatest prosperity during native Niccolò Bonafede episcopate's : he transformed his hometown into a real Renaissance court. The Bonafede fortress palace, now used as town hall, is a masterpiece of art. It was built by Bonafede at the beginning of the sixteenth century: the central body of the palace recalls  Palazzo Venezia in Rome, while the courtyard recalls that of the Ducal Palace of Urbino.
The Church of Santa Maria della Pietà in Telusiano, restored by Bishop Bonafede, is a 14th century church and boasts the "Crucifixion", a masterpiece by Lorenzo Lotto, made in  1531.  Here you also can admire a stone Pietà from the XV century under the main altar and an alabaster Madonna and Child dating back to the 16th century. Further tourist attractions are: the Collegiate Church, in neoclassical style, which houses an 18th century Callido organ and the suburban Church of Santa Maria delle Panette, embodying the canons of Vanvitelli's style.  The "Maggiori Collection" - Drawings from the 16th to the 18th century ", housed in the town hall, is very interesting: it includes precious drawings belonging to the collection of Count Alessandro Maggiore of the noble Maggiore Colonna family. The most valuable works of the collection are made by very famous artists, such as Raphael, Giorgio Vasari, Cavalier d'Arpino, Guercino, Domenichino and Giovanni Battista Salvi. During the visit we also mention: the Church of Sant'Agostino, now used as an Auditorium; the Palazzo dei Priori, built between 1763 and 1770 upon the ruins of an earliest medieval site; the Torrione, two Gates (Porta de Moscé and Porta della Sala); a Monument dedicated to the fallen of all the wars of 1955, made by the sculptor Cantalamessa; Casina Bonafede, about 3 km from the town center, built by Nicolò Bonafede for his resting and refuge. The most important events  taking place in Monte San Giusto during the year are: the Fiera of San Giusto, dedicated to the patron saint of Monte San Giusto (first week of September) and Clown & Clown Festival, an international clowning and clown therapy festival (last week of September).

Monte San Giusto

Via Nicolò Bonafede, 28
Monte San Giusto (MC)
0733 839006 - 07 0733.837324

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The Attractions of Monte San Giusto

 Attraction location

Monte San Giusto things to Watch

Discover the attraction Monte San Giusto - Church of Santa Maria della Pietà in Telusiano

Monte San Giusto - Church of Santa Maria della Pietà in Telusiano

he church was restored between 1513 and 1529 and commissioned by Nicolò Bonafede from Monte San Giusto (1464-1534), an important figure of the...

Discover the attraction Montecosaro - Abbey Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti

Montecosaro - Abbey Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti

One of the Marche's earliest and most charming churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti, lies 6 km inland along the SS 485, just below Montecosaro. This...

Discover the attraction Corridonia - Art gallery

Corridonia - Art gallery

The art gallery is situated in the church of S. Pietro and Paolo and has remarkable works: the Madonna che allatta il Bambino (1372) by Andrea da Bologna, three...

Discover the attraction Corridonia - Museum

Corridonia - Museum "F. Corridoni

The museum displays a collection of photographs, documents and personal belongings of Filippo Corridoni, trade unionist and First World War hero.

Discover the attraction Macerata - Diaz Gardens

Macerata - Diaz Gardens

Created in 1897, the Giardini Diaz (Diaz Gardens) represent the most important green area of the city, a pleasant place for walks and as a children's playground...

Discover the attraction Cicconi Theatre

Cicconi Theatre

The Luigi Cicconi Theatre is located in the heart of the city centre and it was designed by the famous architect Ireneo Aleandri, who believed that the building...


Itineraries to visit Monte San Giusto

Discover the itinerary Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Lorenzo Lotto -Painter

Born in Venice around 1480, the young artist Lorenzo Lotto chose to move to Treviso. There Lotto formed a relationship with the humanist circle of Bishop Bernardo De Rossi from Parma, which straight away provided him with advantageous and profitable commissions. In 1508 Lotto was called to the Vatican in Rome to paint the rooms of the new apartment of Julius II. During the period between 1509 and 1516 the movements of the Venetian artist are somewhat obscure. The following decade, spent in Bergamo, was undoubtedly Lotto’s happiest and most creative period. At the end of 1525, after an absence of 20 years, he decided to return to Venice where however the rising star of Titian, with his sensuous and joyful painting, precluded the favour of the patrons towards Lotto. He died in the Marche in 1556 and was buried, at his request, in a Dominican friar’s habit. Lotto accomplished many works in the Marche, providing testimony to his genius and his remarkable personality.

Art and Culture   3 days