Camerino – Giardini della Rocca d’Ajello (Ajello Fortress Gardens)


Between 1260 and 1280 Gentile I da Varano, lord of Camerino, had the two towers of the castle built. It was in mid XV century that Giulio Cesare da Varano transformed the fortress into a country residence to which he connected a rectangular garden, enclosed into battlemented walls whose emplacement never changed.

This garden, accessible by means of a pathway framed with flowers, has an Italian style structure: it consists of six great flowerbeds framed with boxwood and rich with flowers, with an oval basin in the centre filled with water lilies and two romantic arches covered with roses and clematises.

In  springtime, spontaneous blossoming of violets, primroses, cyclamens, windflowers and irises punctuate the lawns and the scarps around the castle. In the garden the initial blossoming of tulips, narcissuses and hyacinths is followed by a profusion of white and pink ancient roses which cover the ancient walls with delicately colored bands. Strictly weaved with the roses, also blue and dark violet clematises climb the walls. Near the roses, in the flowerbeds there are also other bushes, such as tall blue and light-blue delphiniums and arboreal and grass peonies. In the summertime and till November, hortensias, dahlias and tall Japanese anemones by the delicate corollas bloom endlessly.

The whole hill where the castle rises is by now an intensely cultivated garden hosting a collection of ancient and modern roses and colorful dahlias. There is not a corner where flowers do not embellish the severe medieval architectures with their lively blooming and bright colors. Vine roses climb the oaks and hang down with gentle garlands, cover the walls of the castle and of the rectory, frame with a white cloud the portal of St. Biagio’s.

Yellow vine roses dress the old fruit trees along the terracings. Down on the bottom, where the farmland begins, a variety of cultivated roses, divided by color, is used by the florists of the fortress to place great bunches in the halls of the house and all kinds of decorations for events.


Camerino – Giardini della Rocca d’Ajello (Ajello Fortress Gardens)

Località Rocca d’Ajello
Camerino (MC)
0737 644342 - 338 6190436

OPENING TIME: The gardens can be visited upon reservation. Call +39 3386190436 to fix an appointment with the guide, Mrs. Elisabetta Vitalini Tacconi.

Discover: Art and Culture
Recommended for: Family - Culture - Wedding

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