Fano - Church of S. Antonio Abate


Located outside the city walls, it looks like a background for the so-called trebbio (i.e. crossroads), where via Bovio e via Cavour converge in Piazza Costanzi. Its origins date back to the XV century, even if it had been probably built on a more ancient sacred building dedicated to San Bartolomeo, as from some documents of 1141.

Dedicated to Sant’Antonio Abate, in 1431 the Church was held by Matteo Buratelli and in 1470 the architect Matteo Nuti was buried here. In 1740 extreme weather events damaged the building, which was completely rebuilt in 1749 on the project of the architect Gianfrancesco Buonamici.

In august 1944 the church was destroyed again and rebuilt after the war by the architect Riccardo Pacini. The church preserves its 18th-century layout with its octagonal plan and a little apse chapel, while the exterior has a pseudo-gothic coating made in 1922.

The interesting altar paintings by Carlo Magini (S. Antonio Abate) and by Sebastiano Ceccarini (Holy Family and the Virgin with the Saints Liberata, Gaetano da Thiene e Antonio da Padova), commissioned by the family of the Ferri’s Counts, are worth a visit. The oval-shaped images of Saints on the pilasters were painted indeed by the venetian painter Francesco Pittoni.


The Attractions of Fano

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