Porto Recanati - A.S.D. Smile Diving

Smile Diving was founded in late summer 2009 by a group of friends keen on marine environment and scuba diving activities.
In Porto Recanati there is a room for teaching, while  diving take places in the depths of the Conero coast. Numana can be reached by a minibus owned by the club.
The club is affiliated to the UISP  and is inscribed in the National Register of CONI's associations and amateur sports clubs. For divers who wish to take a specialization, the club releases licences up to the level of Dive Master according to SNSI (Scuba Nitrox Safety International) teaching, the only one in Italy to have obtained the ISO 9001 quality certification.

The Attractions of Porto Recanati

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Porto Recanati