Porto Recanati: Bike trails


Porto Recanati offers interesting biking trails not only from the naturalistic point of view but also from the historical and religious point of view:

-          Cycling trail Potenza River- Southern bank: this first part from the mouth of the Potenza river and follows the southern bank for 1.86411 miles, crossing the area of Santa Maria in Potenza and joining the cycling trail of the northern bank. 

-          Cycling trail Potenza River- Northern bank: this cycling path takes cyclists deep into nature. It offers relax, silence and peace. Besides, you can enjoy wonderful natural views and you may have the opportunity to encounter nesting herons. It flanks the Potenza rover for about 6 miles and ends up in the hamlet Becerica. 

-          Cycling trail along the northern waterside ( about 2.50 miles): it starts in Via 29 Marzo (road) and it shares a part of the Banderuola path. At the parking area for campers it continues towards the south, flanking the Scossicci area and joining at the end of Amudsen street the Banderuola cycling trail; 

-          Banderuola cycling trail ( about 6 miles) from Porto Recanati to Loreto: starting out from the parking area for campers at Porto Recanati, continue on in the countryside of Scossicci, located on the northern shore of the fishing village, where you cannot fail to enjoy the hilly landscape and its floral perfumes. Arriving at the small church called "Chiesetta della Banderuola" continue on towards Loreto. When you reach the town- an important Marian pilgrimage destination- you'll be tempted to abandon your cycle, for it's worth ascending the steps of the Scala Santa - to visit the Basilica della Santa Casa.



The Attractions of Porto Recanati

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Porto Recanati