The oily fish is one the most beneficial product, even if it is not commercially taken into consideration. The Adriatic sea is the typical production area. The name “oily fish” does not refer to a specific group of fish, but it indicates some varieties of fish. The oily fish is characterized by its high nutritional value, high digestibility and the high quantity of unsatured fats. It is used in several recipes of the culinary tradition of the Marche.
To see: Sentina Nature Reserve, Capriotti Fish Museum, San Benedetto del Tronto - Museums Sistini of the Piceno, The Sea Museum of the Marche, San Benedetto del Tronto - The 'Virgin of the sea' Cathedral, San Benedetto del Tronto - Anphorae Museum, Riviera SUP sports association, San Benedetto del Tronto - Thematic Gardens, San Benedetto del Tronto - The playground "The Garden of Colours", San Benedetto del Tronto - La Contea Centre for Environmental Education
Flavors and Craft: The brodetto of San Benedetto del Tronto, San Benedetto del Tronto - Market of San Benedetto del Tronto
The city of San Benedetto del Tronto has scattered many natural treasures along its 10 Thematic Gardens of the new south promenade; here now everybody has the...
The playground "The Garden of Colours" is located in Via Mare 218 in San Benedetto del Tronto, next to the new Employment Centre. Its hidden location...
A good number of cycling paths is at the disposal of the inhabitants and tourists of San Benedetto del Tronto. Beside the long cycling path by the sea between...
The Antiquarium Truentinum is one of the five sections of the the Sea Museum located in San Benedetto del Tronto. After its renovation, visitors can explore...
The Museum is located in the Fish Market complex and is part of the "Sea Museums Center" which already includes the 'Anphorae Museum and the "Capriotti Fish...
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