Treia - The Challenge of the Bracelet

In Treia, in the two weeks preceding the first Sunday of August, it is played La Disfida del Bracciale, meaning The Challenge of the Bracelet, one of the most characteristic Italian pageants that sees its heyday in the early years of the XIX century, that is a period of great social and political changes. Recalling its splendor past, the city plunges into an atmosphere of past times dressed up and brightened up with decorations in the colors of its districts: Onglavina (yellow), Cassero (green), Vallesacco (purple) and Borgo (blue). The Gypsies "come back", in memory of the nomad communities who lived in the oldest town district that still preserves remains of Lombard origin. The rope-makers and weavers are back in their workshops, the nobles take a walk and the peasants dressed in their best suits bring in town their fruits, vegetables and barnyard animals. Every evening, the old town is enriched with music, entertainment and theatre performances. In taverns, open until late at night, are served vintage menu as tagliulì pilusi, crispy crescia with wild herbs, savory cheeses, ciauscolo and calcioni, all served with an extra virgin olive oil and D.O.C. and D.O.C.G. local wines.
Sunday is the day of the Challenge and the city is enlivened by an historical parade, the screaming fans of the game and the fireworks closing the event.
The origins of the Game with the Bracelet can be dated to a distant past, so much so that it was already in use among the Greeks. In the XVI century, in Italy, the game was at its maximum splendor and by the initiative of some princes and city halls, Sferisterios (Ball Playing Fields) of classical architecture were built, later becoming the scene of famous challenges.
It is in the XVIII and XIX centuries that the Arenas Sferisterios, witnesses of the most memorable challenges, have been built. Among all, the most majestic one in Italy: the Sferisterio of Macerata.
As an alternative to these playing fields, it was played along the ramparts of the fortresses or in public squares where monumental stages for an audience of men in arms, aristocrats, captains and noblewomen were built.
Lords and princes of the XVII century continued to favor this game because of the large audience attending, the enthusiasm it aroused, the solemnity it added to the event and the prestige they gained through it. The Game of the Bracelet was played almost exclusively by noblemen or at least by people who could allow themselves free time to devote to this type of entertainment, but the commoners ingeniously began to play along the city walls using a rudimentary tablet instead of the bracelet and cloth balls also called “cimose” instead of the ball.
The Italian championships of Pallone Grosso al Bracciale (Big Ball as a Cuff) -with teams composed of five elements, a point count similar to tennis and a game divided into a set of 4 games- began in 1936 in the Sferisterio of Macerata. The two categories, amateur and professionals, used to play on a Saturday and a Sunday in a town of central Italy, which is where the best teams of the moment lived. In the history of Treia, the Bracelet was important both for the interest it aroused among the people and especially for the incredible success that the local teams obtained wherever they played.

The Attractions of Treia

 Attraction location

Treia things to Watch

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Church of S. Chiara

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Treia - Georgic academy

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Passo Treia - Mulino Fortificato di Passo di Treia

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Treia - Church of San Filippo

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Treia - Civic Museum

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Municipal Theatre

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