Treia - Church of San Filippo

The Church of St. Filippo, that overlooks the splendid “Piazza della Repubblica” (Republic Square), was built between 1767 and 1773 at the hands of Pietro Augustoni (1741-1813), an architect from Como.
The architect Giovanni Antinori (1724-1792) was commissioned to work at the façade, thought it remained uncompleted. This Philippine Church was submitted by various severe expropriations during Napoleonic and Post-Unification ages, thus it became property of the municipality.
At present, this church is used as an exhibition area. This ancient building has a single nave plant with a double span covered by two ribbed vaults and adorned with stucco and with painted ovals that represent St. Antonio Abate and St. Filippo; the wide space of the two spans opens on two pairs of side chapels linked to the naves through splayed vaults which top is adorned with mirrored ovals depicting the Cardinal Virtues.
The presbyterial area has a rectangular plant and it is covered by a ribbed vault and on both sides it hosts two elegant wooden choirs. The natural enlightenment of the church is due to the open lunettes of the four chapels and to the two sides of the presbyterial space, to the oculus positioned above the pediment of the high altar and to the window of the counter-façade. Along the perimeter is it possible to admire an high entablature frame that is supported by pilasters of Corinthian order. In the rear of the church there is the sacristy with a barrel vault and the oratory with a rectangular plant and with a stuccoed gable ceiling.
The chapels located to the sides, are enriched of altars made of a golden wooden structure in faux marble: there, it is possible to admire the paintings “St. Carlo Borromeo who speaks”, “St. Luigi Gonzaga” painted by Pasquale Ciaramponi from Treia (first right chapel), a canvas that depicts “SS. Vergine of the Beautiful Love” by Prospero Maiolini (second right chapel), “Crucefix” that dates back to 15th century (second left chapel); Pasquale Ciaramponi (1734-1792) has also painted the canvas with “Christ in Glory”, St. Antonio Abate and SS. Ignazio Lodola, Clemente Martire, Francesco of Sales, Francesco Borgia (first left chapel).

The Attractions of Treia

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Itineraries to visit Treia