Fano - Church of Santa Maria Nuova


The Observant Order of Minor Friars acquired this church in 1519 where they moved from the monastery of San Lazzaro, outside the city. Originally called the Church of San Salvatore (Holy Saviour), it was re-consecrated in 1557 with the name Santa Maria Nuova.
The columned entrance portal, which came from the old church, is the work of Bernardino di Pietro da Corona. The triple-spanned portico was probably built by the stonemason Giovanni Bosso.
The interior, with a single late baroque nave, preserves fine paintings of the "Visitation" by Giovanni Santi (Raphael's father) and the "Annunciation" and "Madonna enthroned with Child and Saints" by Pietro Perugino. The predella with the "Life of the Virgin" of this last altar-piece has been attributed by some scholars to the young Raphael.
Admire also the fine carved inlaid choir made towards the end of the 15th century.


The Attractions of Fano

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Itineraries to visit Fano