
Via del Corso, 9 - Corinaldo (AN)
071 7978636 (IAT) - 0717978 647/605 (Uff. Cultura) 071 7978043

Corinaldo is a village belonging to the Association "The most beautiful villages in Italy"; it boasts the Bandiera Arancione (Orange Flag), that is a recognition of quality awarded by the Touring Club Italiano to small towns (population 15,000 or less) in Italy for excellency in tourism, hospitality and the environment. It is also included in the National Association of olive oil , Honey Cities and European Destinations of Excellence. It is a remarkably pretty fortified hill town, that boasts the best-preserved 15th century defensive walls in the Marche, surrounded by towers, gates and polygonal ramparts. Walking along long stretches of the battlements you can admire sweeping views. In its medieval centre stands one of the most typical sites, the so called “Piaggia”, the one hundred Steps, leading upward to Piazza del Terreno.  It's worth wondering up and down the narrow stepped streets and visiting the Civic art gallery dedicated to Claudio Ridolfi, the Mannerist painter from Verona who spent much of his life in Corinaldo, and the shrine dedicated to St Maria Goretti, the town's own 20th century saint, murdered in 1902 at the age of 12 by a would-be rapist whom she resisted. Corinaldo belongs to the Archaelogical Park of Suasa ( 3rd century b. C) located in Pian Volpello. In the Costume and popular traditional museum you can see the costumes made for the historical re-enactment called “ Contesa del Pozzo della Polenta, which means Contest of the Polenta (cornmeal mush) Well”, the oldest one in the province of Ancona. It takes place in the third week end of July and it brings back to life the victory of people from Corinaldo in 1517 over the army of the Duke of Urbino who besieged the town for 20 days. Other important events taking place in Corinaldo are: Corinaldo Jazz in summer and Halloween Festival at the end of October. In Corinaldo you can taste top quality cured meats, like cured meats from Frattula, the “pecorelle”, a typical cake and an excellent olive oil. The town is in Verdicchio wine country and the local co-operative winery, Val di Nevola, produces some excellent value bottles.


The Attractions of Corinaldo

 Attraction location

Corinaldo things to Watch

Discover the attraction Carlo Goldoni Theatre

Carlo Goldoni Theatre

The Carlo Goldoni Theatre in Corinaldo is the historical theatre of the town. The construction of the small “Teatro del Sole Nascente” (Theatre of...

Discover the attraction Corinaldo: Walking and cycling routes

Corinaldo: Walking and cycling routes

In Corinaldo there are four circular walking and cycling routes stretching for over 21 kilometres. They are gravel paths and dirt roads, which are almost...

Discover the attraction La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

La terra di Santa Maria Goretti

St. Maria Goretti was born in Corinth, a small village in the province of Ancona, October 16, 1890. She was born on the eastern side of Italy to a farming...

Discover the attraction Ostra Vetere - Church and Convent of Santa Croce - San Pasquale

Ostra Vetere - Church and Convent of Santa Croce - San Pasquale

The convent and the Church of Santa Croce, also known as the Sanctuary  of San Pasquale, is situated on a hill outside the city centre of Ostra Vetere. The...

Discover the attraction Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

Parco Archeologico di Suasa Senonum e Domus dei Coiedii

The Suasa archaeological park is an archaeological area in Castelleone di Suasa (province of Ancona, Marche, Italy).It includes the remains of the ancient town...

Discover the attraction Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Mondavio - Della Rovere Fortress

Commissioned at the end of the V century by Giovanni Delle Rovere with the plans by famous architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini from Siena. it is considered a...


Itineraries to visit Corinaldo