Porto Recanati

Corso G.Matteotti, 230 - Porto Recanati (MC)
071. 759971 (Comune) - 071.9799084 (Ass. Turismo) 071.7599760

Porto Recanati it is the northernmost coastal town in the province of Macerata. The central strip of the coast features pebbled and sandy beaches with steep sea. The area is completely flat and is located nearby Mount Conero.

The central belt of the coast is generally pebbly but there are also sandy beaches; the sea is rather deep. The area, by the Monte Conero, is perfectly flat. This, along with its calm and peaceful atmosphere, makes it especially fit for walking with strollers along the boardwalk. Modern beach resorts equipped with playing gardens for children and the possibility of practicing water sports, three biking tracks (by the Potenza river, close to the provincial “Sorbelli” road and in the Scossicci area) make Porto Recanati one of the most visited holiday resorts in Marche.

The town preserves some important witnesses of its past. In the main square stands the medieval Castello Svevo, donated by Frederick
II to the city; it hosts in the first floor the Civic Art Gallery “Attilio Moroni.” The Sea Museum documents the maritime tradition of Porto Recanati; it is located in the complex of the former fish market - a modern two-level palace built between 1975 and 1980. To the south of the city is the archaeological area of the Roman city Potentia, where there are the ruins of the Abbey of Santa Maria in Potenza, founded in the twelfth century by the order of the Cross-bearers; moreover, there are the statue finds coming from diggings, preserved in the keep of the Castello Svevo. In the valley of the Scossicci area stands the church of the Banderuola, built on the place where, according to tradition, the Holy House (now housed in the famous Sanctuary of Loreto) stopped for the first time during its transfer to Italy.



The Attractions of Porto Recanati

 Attraction location

Porto Recanati things to Watch

Discover the attraction Porto Recanati: Bike trails

Porto Recanati: Bike trails

Porto Recanati offers interesting biking trails not only from the naturalistic point of view but also from the historical and religious point of view...

Discover the attraction Porto Recanati: Flanking the Potenza river up to the abbey of San Firmano

Porto Recanati: Flanking the Potenza river up to the abbey of San Firmano

Porto Recanati- Montelupone (San Firmano)- Cycling trail- Length about 8 miles The journey in the hills near Recanati is very relaxing and it flanks the...

Discover the attraction Attilio Moroni Picture Gallery

Attilio Moroni Picture Gallery

Founded in 1997 by the Municipal Administration, the picture gallery originates with a donation made by Prof. Attilio Moroni, works of art collector and...

Discover the attraction Archaeological area

Archaeological area "Potentia"

On the south of the town, lies the archaeological area of the Roman town of Potentia, where it is possible to visit the ruins of some buildings. There are...

Discover the attraction Porto Recanati - A.S.D. Smile Diving

Porto Recanati - A.S.D. Smile Diving

Smile Diving was founded in late summer 2009 by a group of friends keen on marine environment and scuba diving activities.In Porto Recanati there is a room...

Discover the attraction Saint Mary's Abbey in Potenza

Saint Mary's Abbey in Potenza

In the south of the built-up area, not far from the arhaeological site of the ancient Potentia, stands a well-constructed complex covered with a very...


Itineraries to visit Porto Recanati