La Cooperativa nasce nel 1997 come unione di imprese agricole biologiche per gestire il raccolto delle loro coltivazioni. Questa esperienza coordina e valorizza le produzioni, con un’attenzione alla qualità e una politica commerciale mirata a differenziare i prodotti attraverso le certificazioni internazionali. Associa circa 80 produttori per una SAU complessiva di 15000 ha.La cooperativa programma e controlla tutte le fasi della filiera. Produce e seleziona i semi partendo da varietà prioritariamente autoctone e li semina in terreni soprattutto collinari, ricchi di vegetazione e lontani da fonti d’inquinamento; raccoglie le materie prime che vengono immagazzinate, selezionate e confezionate nel proprio impianto.
To see: Urbino - National Gallery of the Marche – Ducal Palace, Urbino - Raffaello Sanzio - Portrait of a Gentlewoman, Sanzio Theatre, URBINO - PALAZZO DUCALE (DUCAL PALACE), Urbino – the gardens of the Ducal Palace, Urbino - Raphael’s Native house, Urbino - Cathedral, Urbino - Museum of the Diocese "Albani", Urbino – Church and Convent of S. Bernardino, Museum of the Laboratory of Physics of the University of Urbino
Flavors and Craft: Urbino – Festival of the Duke in Urbino, Sogliano cave-aged cheese PDO, Urbino- Clemente XI in Urbino, Urbino - The majolica and the typical handicraft
Auditore overlooks the Foglia valley. It’s on a rocky spur which is pictorially placed on a slope which has a one hundred metre drop. Many...
In Urbino, Pope Clemens XI belonged to the Albani family. Aiming at the promotion of education and learning among his fellow citizens and university students,...
The Botanic Garden of Urbino was founded in 1809, when one of the three vegetable gardens of the Minor Friars of the St. Francis convent, confiscated and turned...
Raphael’s native house was built in the 14th century. Raffaello’s father, Giovanni Santi (1435 - 1494) purchased it in 1460.Giovanni Santi himself...
Weekly market with street vendors.
The Museum of the Laboratory of Physics is part of the Laboratory of Phisics, a scientific department of the University of Urbino. it si situated in the...
The Museum Church itinerary in Pesaro and Urbino Province
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 2 days
Different styles, sensational beauty
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 4 days
The magnificent places that gave birth to great Popes
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 3 days
Hospitality and spirituality for modern pilgrimages
Spirituality and Meditation 6 days