Acquasanta Terme - Acquasanta Terme thermal spa

On the national road Salaria, 18 kilometers from Ascoli Piceno,  is the  Acquasanta spa located in the municipality of Acquasanta Terme at an altitude of m.400, at the edge of the National parks of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga and Monti Sibillini. Its name derives from the presence of underground sulphurous thermal waters. The  waters allowed the birth of the spa, which already existed in 1851.  In the spa you can take, muds, baths, inhalation therapies, nasal irrigation,insufflations, etc.
In the bathing establishment you can also find a wellness centre, which was built using stone from the local quarry.
Other available services are: a swimming pool with sulphurous water, an aesthetic centre, a restaurant and a three- star hotel directly connected to the spa.

The spa will open in the year 2018.

The Attractions of Acquasanta Terme

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Acquasanta Terme

Discover the itinerary Regional and National Parks

Regional and National Parks

Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!

Parks and Active Nature   7 days

Discover the itinerary Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Discover the Marche Spa Centres for a relaxing holiday.

Wellness   4 days

Discover the itinerary From the Riviera of the Palms to the Apennine National Parks

From the Riviera of the Palms to the Apennine National Parks

A varied experience that will take you to discover the beauty and traditions of the Piceno area.

The Marche Region in Blue   Skills and expertise   Art and Culture   Parks and Active Nature   Marche Family   3 days