Church of S. Salvatore in Colpersito - S. Severino Marche


Colpersito is a place rich with Franciscan memories: here S. Francesco, who came to S. Severino in 1212 and in 1221, converted the famous troubadour Guglielmo from Lisciano "King of the verses". The factory - at the time of the visits of the saint from Assisi - was the site of a women's religious community to which, according to tradition, in his second visit Francesco himself gave a sheep; Its wool was used by the "poor cloistered women" to make a gift to the saint of a cassock which they sent to him. Only in 1576 the church with the adjoining monastery became a property of the Capuchin monks. The temple has undergone several transformations: the current aspect is due to the work carried out between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.


The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche