San Severino Marche - The fortified village of Pitino

The fortified village of Pitino was built in the thirteenth century on the top of the homonymous  hill, where the Piceni tribes once settled. Here are the three necropolis of Mount Penna, Frustellano and Ponte di Pitino, whose precious grave goods are now kept at the Archaeological Museum of San Severino Marche and the National Archaeological Museum of Ancona. It was renovated in the thirteenth century and still retains impressive ruins: the sandstone gate and parts of the walls, surrounded by rectangular towers, that stretched for 400 meters.The imposing 23 m. tower, where once you could access through underground passages now sealed, is without openings. Within the walls are two holy places: a smaller fifteenth century religious site, housing contemporary votive frescoes, and the church of St. Antonio, rebuilt in the nineteenth century, with its impressive dome shaped bell tower.

The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche