San Severino Marche - Palio dei Castelli (Palio of the Castles)

Since 1972, each year on 8th June, on the occasion of the feast of the patron Saint, San Severino Bishop, the local Palio Association, supported by the Municipality, organizes the historical reenactment of the Palio dei Castelli, with celebrations that go on for ten days or so. Costumes, sounds, popular games and gastronomy recreate the period of the Renaissance during which the Smeducci family dominated.
Dated 1984 is the official recognition of the Palio dei Castelli which in 1987 was joined by the Corsa delle Torri (Run of the Towers) that is actually the closing event of the festivities, that since 1990 take place in the beautiful Piazza del Popolo.
In order to win the Palio, the Castles and Town districts compete, besides the games of tug of war, archery and others, in a very spectacular competition called Corsa delle Torri, with teams of eight athletes who compete by chasing along the ring of the square and carrying to shoulder a heavy tower depicting their own castle.
The offer of the Candles to San Severino is another crucial moment of the re-enactment which takes place in memory of the donation of the Smeducci family to the guardians of the shrine on Mount Black of a wax sculpture representing a part of their castle. The Offer of the Candles is after the historic procession with over a thousand people in medieval costumes, accompanied by the sound of trumpets and drummers, walking along the streets of the centre to Piazza del Popolo.

The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

San Severino Marche things to Watch

Discover the attraction Feronia Theatre

Feronia Theatre

In 1732, when the ancient Sala degli spettacoli (Hall of performances) was demolished as a consequence of the destruction of the Palazzo Consolare (Consular...

Discover the attraction The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito

The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito

The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito covers an area of 1450 hectares of protected land; it was established in 2009. The towns included in...

Discover the attraction Monastero di S. Maria dei Lumi

Monastero di S. Maria dei Lumi

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria dei Lumi was founded by the early Fathers Filippini settled in San Severino Marche, built in 1586 by the architect Giovanni...

Discover the attraction San Severino Marche - Monastery of S. Chiara

San Severino Marche - Monastery of S. Chiara

The monastery is located in the area called "Castle", that is the old medieval town, standing high on a hill above San Severino Marche. The area is scenic and...

Discover the attraction San Severino Marche – Monastery of S. Lorenzo in Doliolo

San Severino Marche – Monastery of S. Lorenzo in Doliolo

It’s one of the oldest and more  impressive Romanesque churches in San Severino Marche. It was probably built over the remains of the temple of the...

Discover the attraction San Severino Marche – Church and Convent of S. Maria delle Grazie –Sanctuary of S. Pacifico

San Severino Marche – Church and Convent of S. Maria delle Grazie –Sanctuary of S. Pacifico

A monastery of the 13th century is on top of the hill overlooking San Severino Marche, where there were some canonesses of Sant’ Agostino until 1436, when...