Jesi - Abbey of Santa Maria del Piano


A few historical documents are left of this abbey: for sure it had many possessions and they extended from the valley of the Misa river to the valley of the Musone river. In 1211 its decadence started as the abbey was subjected to the municipality of Jesi. It was built in the area between Jesi and the Esino river, where you can still see the abbey in the renovated 18th century shape. There are still some characteristics of the previous buildings.  

In the modern building different constructive phases can be distinguished. They date back to the 12th century, to the 13th century and to a previous upper Medieval phase. Some arches to the right wall of the presbytery  date back to the 12th century, as well as a fragment of a fresco representing the head of an angel which was found under a octaganal pillar during the recent renovation works. The crypt is very interesting; for a very long time it was covered as it was a burial place for parish priests and it’s been brought to the surface only recently. A very  nice sarcophagus dating back to the 8th century is preserved there.  


The Attractions of Jesi

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit Jesi