Ripa Bianca Nature Reserve covers an area of 310,86 hectares of protected land. It was established in 1977; Jesi is the town included there. The area of the reserve is situated along the river Esino, halfway between the Rossa Gorge and the Adriatic Sea; it features areas of gravelly shore, ponds and a small artificial basin. The most typical trees are: the willow, both red and white, and the poplar. It is an important site for wintering, nesting and summering of many interesting species of birds such as the cavaliere of Italy. Here is also the largest number of Marche ‘s herons, with more than 100 nests of night herons, gray herons and egrets. The sparrow hawk, the owl, and the lapwing are also widespread.Secretariat and Environmental EducationTel. 334 6047703
To see: Jesi - G.B. Pergolesi Theatre, Jesi - Civic Art Gallery, Jesi - Diocesan Museum, Jesi - Abbey of Santa Maria del Piano, Jesi - Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Grazie, Jesi - Cathedral of S. Settimio, Jesi - The Ventaglio Park, Jesi - Printing Museum, Jesi -, Jesi - Public Gardens
Flavors and Craft: Verdicchio: from Castelli di Jesi to Matelica, Verdicchio Castelli di Jesi and Classic Reserve DOCG, Verdicchio Castelli di Jesi DOC, Esino DOC, Giovan Battista Pergolesi, Jesi - Handicraft in Jesi, IME Experience - Istituto Marchigiano di Enogastronomia (The Institute of Oenology and Gastronomy of the Marche Region), Jesi - Public Market or Herb Market, Jesi - Market of Jesi, IMT - ISTITUTO MARCHIGIANO TUTELA VINI (Consortium of the Marche Region Wine Protection)
An authentic and inebriating experience
Skills and expertise Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages Taste and tradition 3 days
A dip into the nature
The Marche Region in Blue Parks and Active Nature 6 days
A journey between knowledge and meditation
Spirituality and Meditation 5 days
Different styles, sensational beauty
Art and Culture Spirituality and Meditation 4 days