Jesi - Palio of San Floriano


Dated 14th September 1227 is the first evidence of the presentation of the Palio on St. Florian's Day, when Jesi imposed submission to the Castle of Apiro. In the fifteenth century the Magistracy and the Communities of the County made the Palio a mandatory offer, and the race of the crossbow was played in addition to the race of the ring. The games so played were last performed in 1808; since 1996, in the first week of May and on the occasion of its Patron Saint's feast, Jesi evokes the  ancient tradition of the Palio of San Floriano disputing a challenge between the districts of Santa Croce, Posterna, San Giuseppe, San Pietro and San Benedetto. Today, the events pre-palio consist of an historical parade for the  delivery ceremony  of the Palio, the game of historical tennis, the ceremony for the redelivery of the Palio of San Floriano and tasting and dinner with medieval menu. On the afternoon of the Palio of San Floriano, the herald auctioneer announces its start and the next one calendar full of appointments with history: historical archery competitions, performances by historical groups of drummers, medieval armed soldiers, archers, falconers, and much more. Moreover, historical parades where all participants are strictly dressed with medieval costumes. Amazing is the reconstruction of the medieval village, with scenes of  the way of life of the time and moments of great sacredness with Masses in honor of the Saint.


The Attractions of Jesi

 Attraction location

Jesi things to Watch

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Jesi - Printing Museum

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Discover the attraction Jesi- The Planettiana Library

Jesi- The Planettiana Library

In 1907 Marquis Bernardo Pianetti gave his famous and rich library, whose origins date back to some centuries ago, to the municipality of Jesi. That’s...

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Jesi - G.B. Pergolesi Theatre

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Discover the attraction Jesi - Palazzo della Signoria

Jesi - Palazzo della Signoria

Palazzo della Signoria of Jesi (AN) is an impressive example of civil architecture built by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, between 1486 and 1498. The...

Discover the attraction Jesi- Pergolesi Spontini Festival

Jesi- Pergolesi Spontini Festival

The Pergolesi Spontini Festival is named after the two great composers who were born in the Marche: Giovan Battista Pergolesi (Jesi, 4th January 1710 - Pozzuoli...

Discover the attraction Jesi - Diocesan Museum

Jesi - Diocesan Museum

The Diocesan Museum of Jesi was founded in 1966 in order to collect, preserve and enhance the vestiges of religious art coming from the territory around the...