Monastero di S. Maria dei Lumi


The Sanctuary of Santa Maria dei Lumi was founded by the early Fathers Filippini settled in San Severino Marche, built in 1586 by the architect Giovanni Battista Guerra. It is structured with a centralized Latin cross; the underground construction of the Oratory is unique from the point of view of composition. To be seen the altar of the chapel of Santa Maria dei Lumi, with quadrature made by Giuseppe Mattei from Macerata, altar and tabernacle covered by the rare Roman marble by Pompeo Targoni.
The tabernacle contains the image of the Madonna and Child by Lorenzo Giangentile of Maestro Lorenzo painted in 1560, while the altar table rests on four wooden angels made by Venancio Bigioli.
Among the prominent works : the “Visitazione” as altarpiece, the” San Giovanni’s dream” and “the Journey of Maria and Giuseppe to the house of Elisabetta”. In addition, in the second chapel, commissioned by Cancellotti, are “The Adoration of the Shepherds”on the altarpiece, “the Circumcision and the Adoration of the Magi”. Not to be missed are the third chapel to the left with wooden ciborium by Giuseppe Aloe and the last chapel on the right with the Transit of Sant’Anna, a copy of the original painting by Andrea Sacchi (1599-1661). The cupola was painted in 1657 by Giulio Lazzarelli from San Severino (1607-1667). Precious carving works are the gilded pulpit leaning against one of the pillars supporting the cupola, the choir and the organ both located in front of the counter-façade.

Due to the earthquake occurred in 2016, the church is temporarily closed. For further information please write to:


The Attractions of San Severino Marche

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Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche