San Severino Marche

Piazza del Popolo, 45 - San Severino Marche (MC)
0733.6411 Comune - 0733 638414 Pro Loco 0733.641240

San Severino Marche is located on the Montenero hill, in the Potenza valley. It has medieval monuments, most of which were built during the years of independence of the municipality and during the Smeducci Seigniory. Many Gothic churches in the city and territory as well as the works left by the local school of painting that had its greatest exponents in the Salimbeni brothers and Lorenzo d'Alessandro, respectively at the beginning and at the end of the fifteenth century, date back to these years.

In the central elliptic Popolo Square are the Palazzo Municipale (XVIII century) and on the opposite side the Rococo church of San Giuseppe, the Palazzo dei Governatori (XVI century) with the Clock Tower, the Feronia theatre in neoclassical style, the Palazzo Servanti Collio (XVI century) and the church of S. Maria della Misericordia, with canvases by Pomarancio and fragments of frescoes by the Salimbeni brothers. The Old Cathedral was built starting from 944 and the façade and the belfry date back to the XIV century. The Romanesque church of S. Lorenzo in Doliolo (XI century) has an evocative interior and a Romanesque -Gothic belfry. In the hamlet  Pieve is the archaeological park, with ruins of the Roman town of Septempeda – a place inhabited from prehistoric times until the 4th century b.C.

The Giuseppe Moretti archaeological museum  is housed  in the nearby bishop’s place.  The main attraction is nevertheless the town picture- gallery, at the Tacchi Venturi Palace, where there are mainly local works coming from the churches after the unification of Italy. In a room it’s been completely rebuilt  a small chapel with “Scenes of St. John the Baptist”, painted by the Salimbeni brothers. There are also other major works by Pinturicchio, Niccolò Alunno, Vittore Crivelli, Paolo Veneziano, Lorenzo D'Alessandro and Bernardino di Mariotto.

Worth visiting is the little and picturesque hamlet of Elcito, which is on a rocky spur, 800 metres above sea level on the slopes of Mount San Vicino. Little is left of the castle which was built to withstand attack to the Benedictine abbey of Valfucina ( 11th century), of which an interesting chapel still exists. Not far is also the wide upland of Canfaito ( 1.100 meters) and its centuries-old beech forests

The most typical products are salami, cheese and  the "Terre di San Severino” Doc wine." The most important events that take place in San Severino Marche during the year are: San Severino Blues Festival (July-August), the Salimbeni Prize for History and Art Criticism and the Palio dei Castelli (Palio of the Castles).

The historic center, the monuments and the museums of the town are partially accessible. For information please write to Toll-free Number Marche Tourism ( or contact the phone numbers listed below.


The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

San Severino Marche things to Watch

Discover the attraction Feronia Theatre

Feronia Theatre

In 1732, when the ancient Sala degli spettacoli (Hall of performances) was demolished as a consequence of the destruction of the Palazzo Consolare (Consular...

Discover the attraction San Severino Marche - Monastery of S. Chiara

San Severino Marche - Monastery of S. Chiara

The monastery is located in the area called "Castle", that is the old medieval town, standing high on a hill above San Severino Marche. The area is scenic and...

Discover the attraction San Severino Marche – Monastery of S. Lorenzo in Doliolo

San Severino Marche – Monastery of S. Lorenzo in Doliolo

It’s one of the oldest and more  impressive Romanesque churches in San Severino Marche. It was probably built over the remains of the temple of the...

Discover the attraction Monastero di S. Maria dei Lumi

Monastero di S. Maria dei Lumi

The Sanctuary of Santa Maria dei Lumi was founded by the early Fathers Filippini settled in San Severino Marche, built in 1586 by the architect Giovanni...

Discover the attraction The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito

The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito

The Nature Reserve of Mount San Vicino and Mount Canfaito covers an area of 1450 hectares of protected land; it was established in 2009. The towns included in...

Discover the attraction Church of S. Salvatore in Colpersito - S. Severino Marche

Church of S. Salvatore in Colpersito - S. Severino Marche

Colpersito is a place rich with Franciscan memories: here S. Francesco, who came to S. Severino in 1212 and in 1221, converted the famous troubadour Guglielmo...


Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche