Acquasanta Terme

Piazza XX Settembre, 12 - Acquasanta Terme (AP)
0736.801262 0736.801407

Acquasanta Terme  is a southern municipality of the Marche, along the Salaria road, a consular road that connects Rome to Ascoli Piceno, where the Garrafo  stream  flows into the Tronto river. It’s surrounded by a particularly natural environment, characterized by hills and by the the Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, to which it belongs, and the Sibillini mountains to the south.  

Nature lovers will find ideal its woods of chestnuts, firs,  beeches and oaks. Starting from Pozza and Umito there are wonderful excursions to the Volpara and Prata waterfalls of the Laga Park as well as to the Macera della Morte pathway.

Chestnuts, mushrooms and truffles are appreciated by gourmands.

Acquasanta Terme has been known since Roman times for its thermal waters. The thermal establishment offers  a wide variety of cures ( mud therapy, wellness centre, aesthetic centre, sulphorous swimming pool, etc…).

Travertine is extracted in the important local quarries.

Acquasanta also offers interesting cultural itineraries, such as Castel di Luco, a wonderful 14th century round – shaped castle which lies not far from the town centre, built upon a rocky spur. (This castle has been damaged by the earthquake in the year 2016). There are also important Roman buildings such as the Garrafo bridge, the first stone bridge built along the Salaria road, with a single round arch which still supports a 19th century bridge. In the hamlet Ponte d’Arli  you can still admire some Roman walls supporting the Salaria road by the Roman Emperor Augustus and the 16th century Ponte Vecchio, built by the master builders from Como in the most rigorous respect of Roman building rules,a unique synthesis of civil architecture and natural environment. Nearby lies the 17th century water mill.   

Among religious buildings worth mentioning are: in Acquasanta Terme the Church of  San Giovanni Battista, which houses two paintings by Giulio Cantalamessa, a 19th century painter and critic of art from the area of Ascoli Piceno, and the 14th century round- shaped church of Santa Maria Maddalena with a 18th century painting of Maria Magdalene by Cardi di Cagli; in the hamlets: the 13th century church of San Lorenzo in Paggese with a  valuable 16th century triptych “Madonna and Child with Saints Mark and Lawrence” attributed to Pietro Alemanno, a fine 14th century travertine canopy and the wonderful travertine tombstones set in the church floor; the 13th century abbey and monastery of San Benedetto by Farfa monks in Valledacqua, with some remainders of frescoes.

For those interested in history, worth mentioning is the cemetery located between Pozza and Umito, which is dedicated to the massacred victims during World War Two in the fight between Italian and Slavic partisans and the German enemy.

Among traditional festivals worth mentioning are the Historical Carnival of the Picenum in the hamlets of Pozza and Umito; in summer the sculpture symposium “The travertine shapes”; on 10th of August the “Festa of San Lorenzo” with historic re-enactment in medieval costumes and dinner in the square of Paggese; the “Festa d’autunno” (“Autumn festival”), on the third Sunday of October with market of forest products, photo exhibitions and performances; at Christmas the exhibition of artisans’ cribs in the little village of Quintodecimo.

 The historic center, the monuments and the museums of the town are partially accessible. For information please write to Toll-free Number Marche Tourism ( or contact the phone numbers listed below.


The Attractions of Acquasanta Terme

 Attraction location

Acquasanta Terme things to Watch

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - Fosso di Pito - Rio Faete

Acquasanta Terme - Fosso di Pito - Rio Faete

The limestones of  Acquasanta Terme, in the valley of the Tronto river, house the caves and the water that supplies the famous thermal baths. They also...

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - Garrafo Gorges

Acquasanta Terme - Garrafo Gorges

Garrafo Gorges wind for more than 2 km, surrounded by high cliffs. The path that goes up the gorge is partially equipped with fixed ropes and is exclusively for...

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - Acquasanta Terme thermal spa

Acquasanta Terme - Acquasanta Terme thermal spa

On the national road Salaria, 18 kilometers from Ascoli Piceno,  is the  Acquasanta spa located in the municipality of Acquasanta Terme at an...

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - Piani di Cagnano

Acquasanta Terme - Piani di Cagnano

The little hamlet of Cagnano, placed on a rock spur above the village of Acquasanta Terme, was probably funded in the X century. Its position leads to believing...

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - CEA Asaspeleoclub

Acquasanta Terme - CEA Asaspeleoclub

Despite the earthquakes which struck central Italy in 2016, the Centre for Environmental Education is open.

Discover the attraction Acquasanta Terme - Abbey of San Benedetto in Valledacqua

Acquasanta Terme - Abbey of San Benedetto in Valledacqua

The Monastery of San Benedetto in Valledacqua is situated in a hill, pretty close to the National Park of Sibillini Mountains and the National Park of Gran...


Itineraries to visit Acquasanta Terme

Discover the itinerary Regional and National Parks

Regional and National Parks

Nature lovers will not be disappointed in the Marche!

Parks and Active Nature   7 days

Discover the itinerary Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Thermal and Spa Centres Itineraries

Discover the Marche Spa Centres for a relaxing holiday.

Wellness   4 days

Discover the itinerary From the Riviera of the Palms to the Apennine National Parks

From the Riviera of the Palms to the Apennine National Parks

A varied experience that will take you to discover the beauty and traditions of the Piceno area.

The Marche Region in Blue   Skills and expertise   Art and Culture   Parks and Active Nature   Marche Family   3 days