
Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 1 - Cagli (PU)
0721.78071 0721.780792
Cagli is located on a plateau closed by the Bosso and Burano rivers. The town is bordered to the south on Mount Catria , Mount Nerone and Mount Petrano and further north on Mount Paganuccio that, with the Mount Pietralata form the steep walls of limestone massif of Furlo. Once inhabited by the Umbrians and Romans, later joined the Byzantine  mountain Pentapolis (with Fossombrone, Gubbio, Jesi and Urbino). It finally fell under the Duchy of Urbino. The hand of the great 15th  military architect Francesco di Giorgio Martini is unmistakable in the dramatic oval torrione, or tower to the west of the piazza, all that remains of the citadel that Duke Federico da Montefeltro had built above Cagli towards the end of the 15thC. The tower now houses a  Center for Contemporary Sculpture.  The most remarkable churches are : the church of San Francesco and the church of San Domenico,full of frescoes; the Cathedral, almost entirely rebuilt in the 18th century, the church of Sant'Angelo minore, the church of S. Peter, the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, the Church of St. Joseph, the church of Santa Chiara, the church of St. Philip and St. Bartholomeo , decorated several paintings by  Gaetano Lapis, the famous painter born in Cagli. Must see attractions in Cagli are: the medieval Public Palace (now the Town Hall and the Archaeological Museum); the fifteenth century Palazzo Preziosi-Brancaleoni, the sixteenth century Palazzo Tiranni-Castracane and the 19th century Municipal Theatre. The most important Roman site is Mallio Bridge, built during Roman republican time.  The "Game of the Goose" that was held in Cagli in 1543, currently takes place in August.

The Attractions of Cagli

 Attraction location

Cagli things to Watch

Discover the attraction Cagli – Church of  S. Francesco

Cagli – Church of S. Francesco

The Church of San Francesco is in the same- name square with the Angelo Celli’s bronze statue by the sculptor Biancini, placed in 1959 before an arcade of...

Discover the attraction Cagli - Municipal Theatre

Cagli - Municipal Theatre

Originally, the theatre of Cagli was inside the Town Hall to perform Bernardino Pino’s play in 1585. The current theatre was built on another area of...

Discover the attraction Cagli- Monastery of S. Pietro and S. Cecilia

Cagli- Monastery of S. Pietro and S. Cecilia

The Monastery was built before the 13th century and established by the Blessed Santuccia Terrabotti from Gubbio who founded the community of St. Peter outside...

Discover the attraction Cagli - Fosso di Campo d'Aio (Gorge of the Butterflies)

Cagli - Fosso di Campo d'Aio (Gorge of the Butterflies)

The gorge takes its name from the numerous white butterflies that are in the area. The gorge is one of the nature itineraries of Mount Nerone, near Cagli. The...

Discover the attraction Cagli - Ditch of Mount Petrano

Cagli - Ditch of Mount Petrano

From Mount Petrano you can see along the Burano Gorge the old and the new part of the Via Flaminia. You can only observe the tree-lined strip along...

Discover the attraction Cagli - Ditch Pian dell'Acqua

Cagli - Ditch Pian dell'Acqua

The Ditch Pian dell'Acqua descends from the limestone slopes of Mount Nerone to the South west and flows into the Ditch Giordano. The ditch runs through a...


Itineraries to visit Cagli

Discover the itinerary Archaeological Marche

Archaeological Marche

A journey into the past

Art and Culture   5 days

Discover the itinerary The organic production chain

The organic production chain

A list of companies and cooperatives working according to high quality standards

Skills and expertise   Taste and tradition   6 days

Discover the itinerary The region of theatres

The region of theatres

Precious treasure chests where the show goes on stage

Art and Culture   Rolling Hills and Ancient Villages   6 days