
Via Mazzini, 3 - Fermignano (PU)
0722.332142 - 0722330523 (I.A.T.) 0722.332336

Founded by the Romans, Fermignano was the field of the Battle of the Metaurus. The Carthaginians, led by Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal, were defeated by the Romans in 207 b. C. According to the legend Hasdrubal’s sepulchre  is on the Montelce hill and it was visited by Montaigne, Giacomo Leopardi  and Giovanni Pascoli.
It was Donato Bramante’s birthplace and a Contemporary art gallery is named after him.  There are significant buildings, such as the monumental complex of the Medieval tower “delle Milizie” and the Roman bridge with three arches on the Metauro river. The former slaughterhouse  and the wash house date back to the 19th century ( visits upon request). The former paper mill located in Veneranda street was rented out by the Montefeltro family to three paper masters from Fabriano, which at that time was already a thriving town for paper manufacturing. Noteworthy is the church of San Giacomo  in Compostela, an important historical monument with 14th and 15th century frescoes.
Along the Metaurense provincial road  you can find the Villa Gentilizia Isola,a farm house owned by Federico Bonaventura who hosted in 1578 the Italian poet and writer Torquato Tasso, who wrote here his “Ode to the Metaurus”.
The Furlo Gorge is within Fermignano’s area. It’s a nature reserve characterized by a landscape which is partly hilly and partly harsh and rocky.
Every year, on the Sunday after Easter, it takes place the historical Palio della Rana (a Race of the Frog on Push-cart) and at the end of Summer the Grand Prize of the 19th C. Penny-farthing, both historical re-enactments with people dressed in costumes.


The Attractions of Fermignano

 Attraction location

Fermignano things to Watch

Discover the attraction Fermignano - Motocross track La Ginestra

Fermignano - Motocross track La Ginestra

Run by Motoclub Fermignanese, La Ginestra is one of Europe's racetracks with the highest difference in height: between the upper part and the lower part the...

Discover the attraction Urbino - Former Monastery of Santa Chiara

Urbino - Former Monastery of Santa Chiara

The Monastery of St. Clare is the former monastery of the Poor Clares of Urbino. It is one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture. It currently houses...

Discover the attraction Urbino – Church and Convent of S. Bernardino

Urbino – Church and Convent of S. Bernardino

The Church of San Bernardino, built in the late fifteenth century, is located on the hill of San Donato, in the Cesane area, about two kilometres far from the...

Discover the attraction Urbino - National Gallery of the Marche – Ducal Palace

Urbino - National Gallery of the Marche – Ducal Palace

In the second half of 15th century, Urbino changed from a medieval village into a renaissance city by the will of the duke Federico da Montefeltro. In the city...

Discover the attraction Urbino - Raffaello Sanzio - Portrait of a Gentlewoman

Urbino - Raffaello Sanzio - Portrait of a Gentlewoman

National Gallery of the Marcheoil on panel, 64 x 18 cm1507-1508.The Portrait of a Young Woman, also known as La Muta, is a portrait by the Italian Renaissance...

Discover the attraction Sanzio Theatre

Sanzio Theatre

In 1829 the aristocrats of Urbino considered that it was necessary to build a new theatre -“the first and fundamental ornament of every erudite city&rdquo...


Itineraries to visit Fermignano