San Severino Marche - Abbey of Sant'Eustachio in Domora


The abbey of Sant'Eustachio in Domora was built by Benedictine monks in the 11th century and it was dedicated to St. Michael. It's in the Cricket Valley (Valle dei Grilli), a few kilometers far from San Severino Marche, probably near a hamlet of stone cutters and a road that crossed the gorge.

One of the main features of the abbey, whose walls are almost completely made of stone, is that it was carved out of rock. This rock and its artificial caves  represent a half of the inner part both of the upper church and the underground rooms.

The main façade faces the old way and its scheme is rigorously symmetrical and axial. Worth mentioning are the portal at the side, made of stone blocks, with an archivolt composed of ornamental decorations, stone decorations to the right of the portal and above the asymmetrical rose- window.

In the 13th century it was widened and dedicated to St. Eustachio. The monastery offered hospitality to way- farers and carried out an intense hospital activity. Therefore it was given many charitable gifts.

Despite this in 1393 it was abandoned. The monks moved to the abbey of St. Lawrence of San Severino Marche and they brought along the prodigious Cross which is still hanging at the left wall of the presbytery. Until 1701, on 20 May and 20 September, the cross was brought back, during the procession, to the church in the gorge.



The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche