San Severino Marche - La Roccaccia - San Lorenzo


A place of fortifications, reigning nature and legends, the area of Mount Acuto fortress, disparagingly known as “La Roccaccia”because of a nobleman who oppressed the local population, lies on a rocky formation between two valleys, 740 meters above sea level. Nowadays, only a few vestiges of a tower and some sections of the ramparts are left of this ancient fortress, which was built in these safe places during the war between the Byzantines and the Lombards. Ancient legends are still told concerning mysterious weaver ladies, chickens making golden eggs, snakes guarding hidden treasures, of battles in the underlying valley of the Potenza river, but also tales of sanctity, like young St. Sperandia’s, who lived in solitude in a cave on these mountains. A place wild because of its isolation, which made hermits love it, but specially beautiful and rich with panoramas, which marks today the border between the municipalities of San Severino Marche, Treia and Cingoli and is therefore no longer so far away, being easily accessible from the San Lorenzo Borough, and is consequently visited by local tourists and by lovers of such open air sports as Downhill. Many roads, tracks and trails reach up to it from many sides.



The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche