San Severino Marche - The fortified village of Colleluce

Located on top of a hill, the picturesque fortified village of Colleluce still retains the original thirteenth century walls. It is currently visible from the outside. According to tradition the name derives from "Lucus", the sacred wood that surrounded the pagan temple, on which the medieval settlement was built. The fortified area is dominated by the bell tower of the Church of St. Giovanni Battista,  that took its present shape in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century and was later enlarged with a chapel. The church boasts some sixteenth century votive frescoes, a canvas by Pomarancio depicting the baptism of Jesus Christ and a valuable crucifix painted on a thirteenth century canvas from the nearby Benedictine Abbey of St. Mariano.

The Attractions of San Severino Marche

 Attraction location

Itineraries to visit San Severino Marche